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Blizzard's New Odyssey Game Update

Blizzard's New Odyssey Game Update

Apr 20, 2023

Contrary to expectations, Blizzard is developing a new gift for their fanbase that will be a survival-style game. Beginning in 2022, Blizzard's "Odyssey" gave us a few early glimpses at what appeared to be just a "work in progress" title for their impending release. But because people were already accustomed to the term, they formally decided to keep it for the completed project as well.

Blizzard is being coy regarding actual release dates and has a history of being vague about their more recent endeavors. In the Xbox Two podcast, Microsoft Central managing editor Jez Corden has now confirmed that the game is virtually complete and, even better, that he has actually had a chance to test-play it.

Odyssey will be a survival game, as was previously said, and as one may already be aware, the fundamental objective of such games is to survive the perils that lurk in these worlds' shadows. Putting the obvious aside, the game seems to integrate PvE fighting opportunities for players with typical survival elements like construction and crafting.

The potential of opening player-owned stores where the community can sell and buy craftable and collectible objects to other players is another MMO element that Corden revealed. Which brings us to the conclusion that the game is exclusively intended for online play.

Furthermore, the variety of weaponry, which range from conventional bows and swords to magical spells, will provide lots of opportunity for you to express your own play style. The game itself is suspected to be played in first person.

When discussing the game's aesthetics, Corden notes that they resemble those of titles like Overwatch and even the upcoming "Everwild" title from Rare. Players with lesser PCs in particular should be happy with that.

There are still many aspects of the game that are currently hidden. However, it appears to be more significant than some of us had anticipated, so we should undoubtedly continue to be enthusiastic about what lies ahead and what BlizzCon has in store.

(Sources - Blizzard, XboxTwo, EarlyGame)

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