What is buy me a coffee?

What is buy me a coffee?

Jan 14, 2023

Hi guys! 👋🏼 I’ve just set this page up as a super easy way to support me and what our Heavenly Father is doing here on the Westside of Oahu, Hawaii ⛰

I sold/donated everything to come here and love on the community in 2021, and we want to do more - but we need help to get there.


However you found me, if you can see the work I’m putting in to reach God’s people both online and out here on the field, I’ll give you 3 great options to respond with:

  1. Give a gift 🎁 “Buy me a coffee” is a site that allows you to give a donation to our ministry for bibles, food and clothes, housing, and special projects we have going on. This is also the best way to Throw a tip my direction if any of my online content has blessed you and you want to see more of it 🤗

  2. Become a Partner 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻 Want to do more? Your very best monthly donation to our 501c3 allows us to keep building, housing, and hosting disciples out here. With your tax-deductible donations and my work we really can make a difference 🤠

  3. Follow me 👍🏼 After you “buy a coffee” head back to my Instagram through the links and give a follow. This way you’ll be able to see what your donations are used for and how you’re helping people who are looking for the truth ✨🌈

You can make a difference right now.


And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded. Matt 10:42

Is God calling you to give?

I have seen tremendous fruit come in my own life by donating to support other local missions and traveling missionaries. Sometimes I started to feel something inside that it was something I needed to do, and at other times, I just knew it was right.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7

Radical generosity

I used to be the one to drive past those in need, until I rode with my older brother and in the middle of our conversation he casually rolled down the window and handed out a good-sized donation. Knowing how it might be used and still giving really demonstrates the father’s heart toward us. He gives us everything, and what do we use it on? It changed my whole view of support and finances. How much more a blessing when giving to sons of God in the Father’s house?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Mal 3:10

A life of giving

It’s been years now, and I love to give at any opportunity I can. I happen to be in a season where God is moving me in front of many who are in need, those who you may never meet, and I would love to reallocate donations to those I see who God wants to provide for. All we need is you

Give now 🎁 and be blessed ✨

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