March's First Friday

March's First Friday

Mar 02, 2024

Welcome to ... First Friday!

I'll be sharing a tidbit or tip on the first Friday of each month. It might be something big, it might be something little, but hopefully it will be something that makes you go hmmm.

Today's tidbit is: just because it's there, that doesn't mean you should apply.

Funders are looking to support organizations, projects, or individuals that align with their goals and objectives. Even if you fit all of the required criteria to submit an application -- for example, you're a registered charity, you operate in the funder's geographical region, and your project ticks all the basic boxes -- are you a good pair?

It helps to do your research:

  • what has the funder or granter supported in the past, and will your request be for something similar?

  • do you have complementary mandates, such as: you're both committed to community healthcare? animal welfare? equitable access to youth sports?

  • have you contacted the granting organization to discuss your needs and why you're not just eligible to apply, but a great candidate to elevate the funder's goals?

Avoid putting time and energy into a grant application for a fund that traditionally supports the creation of green spaces, when you are hoping hire a strategic planner.

That's all she wrote.

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