February's First Friday

February's First Friday

Feb 03, 2024

Welcome to the first ... First Friday!

I'll be sharing a tidbit or tip on the first Friday of each month. It might be something big, it might be something little, but hopefully it will be something that makes you go hmmm.

Today's tidbit is about communicating gratitude and building relationships.

Even if you didn't receive a grant from a funder, follow up and ask for feedback. Was anything missing from your application? What could have made it stand out? What can you add next time, or is there another fund or program that would be a better fit?

Absorb the feedback. You may not agree with it. It might even sting a little. But take it to heart, and then send one more follow-up note that simply says: Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback and information so we are better prepared for the next round, we appreciate the support and advice.

A simple thank you is a good step towards building a long-term relationship with a funder; they will get to know you or your organization better, and you will have more clarity on where they would like to see their money invested for greatest impact.

That's all she wrote.

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