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Not-So-Weekly Update 5/28/21

Not-So-Weekly Update 5/28/21

May 29, 2021

It has been a loooong week, my friends, a long week. I've been on my period, there's no AC in my house, and I had three corporate Murder Mystery shows. The shows all went pretty well, but there are some extra elements and complications that go along with the corporate shows that are just extra exhausting. On top of that, we had hoped the AC would be fixed this week, but when the guy came, he discovered the compressor was dead. So the next day, when the guy came, he found that fixing the issues would be more expensive than buying a new unit. And apparently, ours is such a cheapo model that the company isn't even in business anymore! So next Friday, they should be coming out to install the new one. Also, yesterday I got in the car to run errands, and my car was dead. AAA came to jump me and informed me that I should really replace my battery as it was from 2015 (eek!). So clearly past the 3-5 years recommended for car batteries. Oof. Luckily, the AAA dude had batteries on his truck, so I was able to buy one.

Not all bad, though, I got to try out my new magnetic false eyelashes from Glamnetic, and they're amazing. I love them. They really are as easy-to-use as advertised. And so soft! So I highly recommend them.

I think part of what made this week feel so long, and recent weeks in general, is my in-person commitments are picking up. Things actually are starting to get back to pre-pandemic busyness, and it feels so strange! Like, this used to be normal, but now it feels like I'm rushing around all the time. Guess that's what a year off will do to you. Anybody else feeling this?

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed an uptick in my activity. I had a little meeting with my bud Emily about social media, and she said Instagram Reels are where it's at. They're Insta's answer to TikTok, and that's where the attention is. And she's not wrong! And apparently, I'm doing something right. My last three or four Reels have over a thousand views. It's proof my focus is directly tied to what's important to me because I thought I'd let this social media stuff slip, or I'd forget about it, but I've very easily remembered to post at least once a day. It's going to be even easier once I get my new phone. Fingers crossed for a sweet Memorial Day Weekend deal.

Speaking of social, expect a makeup post or two this weekend. My order from Subtl Beauty arrived today, and I'm soooo excited to crack that open. It's this nifty stack of makeup basics that are meant to be, yes, subtle and good for on-the-go application and touchups. I've been dying to try this for ages and finally treated myself to it with my extra cash from babysitting.

So we're almost halfway through the year, and it feels like I haven't accomplished any of my goals. No curtains have been hung. The walls are just as bare as they were last year. I haven't completed any columns from my Movies to See list. BUT I've been consistent with working out. That's something. I've been REALLY good about keeping up with Backstage listings, applying to stuff. So that's something, too. I'm hoping - nay, I WILL get a lot of this house stuff done this next month while my boss is on break. That should clear a good chunk of my daily work off my plate, so I should have time. Providing the AC is fixed, and I can stand to move around the house.

Thanks for listening.

Last movie I watched: Thunder Force

Currently Binging: Three Musketeers, Dragonball Z, Shadow & Bone

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