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Not-So-Happy New Year Update

Not-So-Happy New Year Update

Jan 08, 2021

Well hello there! Welcome to 2021. Possibly the most anticipated year since Y2K. 2020 was a bitch, lesbehonest, and we all desperately hoped for better in the new year. Like a slap across the face, some crazy trumpers heard that and laughed.

I learned this week that 2021 is the year Mad Max was set in. Given Wednesday's events, that feels like a fairly appropriate sentiment.

But this is about me, damnit! So what's been going on in MY new year?

I'm actually doing really well. I'm two weeks into my revisit of Beachbody's 21DayFix, and I'm loving it. It's awesome to feel how much stronger I am, and amazing to see the difference in the mirror. Using real weights instead of books is pretty great, too.

Work is going well. Simpler Media, where I'm a Production Assistant, has afforded me some nice stability in this WFH age. One of our clients even sent me a Christmas/thank you present. How sweet is that?

Best of all, I was just cast as an extra for a shoot in Virginia this week. I'm excited to be doing some real film acting work again. *Whisper* it's a pretty big project. At some point I'll be able to talk to you about it.

But for now, all I can say is that it's a legit series and, once again, I'll be in my underwear. How do they always manage to get me down to my knickers?

Anywho, that's all for now.


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