Don't call it a setback ...

Don't call it a setback ...

Sep 14, 2022

Or, I mean, you could if you wanted to. But that's not what I nor my therapist is calling it so ...

Hey Coworkers,

Long time no see, speak, or hear. I was away for a little while (like on vacation, not institutionalized). During that time I had the space to dig more deeply into something that's been weighing on me a lot for the past few months.

As many (maybe just a few) of you know, I had a grand plan to raise a shit ton of money to "legitimize" ADHD Coworking into a full-blown business. I had a name (Square Peg Coworking), I took a business course (and was asked to speak at graduation 😏), and spent countless hours doing my absolute best to figure out how I could make this happen financially while supporting myself and not working myself to the point of burnout.

Spoiler alert: I burned out. And with none of the expected hundreds of thousands of dollars of venture capital to even show for it 😂

All that being said, while I was away it dawned on me that these coworking sessions have always been legitimate. The community we've built together around this weird little corner of the web is fierce and incredible and so many of you have shown me (and each other) so much more support than I ever thought a group of internet strangers ever could.

So, I'm putting a hold on Square Peg Coworking, and going back to my roots. You know, hosting regular coworking sessions via TikTok, where it all started 🥰 I'm still brainstorming ways to incorporate additional hosts because, to be honest, that's one of the main reasons I wanted to scale this in the first place. There's a gap between supply and demand. Meaning, more demand than supply - since the supply is me and I'm only one human being 🥲

So, for now, it's back to the basics. Which feels really good. I've missed hosting streams regularly and having time to even create content. With the pressure of starting a business removed from my energetic space, I can re-focus my efforts on the things I enjoy doing. I'm still very much flirting with the idea of growing a separate TikTok account made specifically for these types of sessions, where other hosts would be able to log in and do sessions when they're available. But we'll see ...

LONG STORY, ENDLESS > The ADHD Coworking schedule page is back up and running. I'm going to start slow, with one session a week (probably Thursdays), and then build that up as my time and energy allow for it. The first day back is tomorrow, and I hope to see you all there :) You can register for the session here if you'd like!

Thanks for all your support, y'all - it means the world. And if you don't support me (or this decision), I really don't even know why you're receiving this message, and you should probably just go..


Allie 💋

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