Eflora Cream

Jan 17, 2023

What is Eflornithine cream?

Eflora 13.9% is a topical cream that is applied to the skin. Works by inhibiting the enzyme needed for hair growth, it helps in reducing the pace of hair growth. An established cream brand for women who want freedom from the excess growth of hair on their faces. It works for both men and women to stop unwanted facial hair. The active ingredient Eflornithine 13.9% reduces the androgen which is producing hair on the face as men have. Buy Eflornithine Cream in USA online and the generic for Vaniqa in the UK at Allgenericcure for the cheapest price in

Check out right here :- Eflora Cream





Hong Kong

Is it generic for vaniqa?

Yes, Eflora is branded generic for Vaniqa by Sun Pharma.

How does Eflora cream work?

Eflornithine the active ingredient found in eflora cream has a tendency to reduce the production of enzymes which leads to the overproduction of androgen which is causing facial growth in women. It inhibits the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase which is active in hair follicles. This enzyme stimulates the production of hair on the chin and upper lips.

With Eflora cream the production of hair on the chin and upper lips can be reduced significantly. The cream slows down the production of protein. Breaking the chain and slowing down the production of facial hair.

Active ingredient?

Eflornithine hydrochloride is the active ingredient.

US Brand Name?

US Brand name for Eflora cream is Vaniqa.


Eflora cream is manufactured by Sun Pharma.

Who can use it?

Men, women, and transgenders who would like to stop the growth of hair on the face can use it. For best results, you have to pluck all the hair out either wax it or laser hair remove and then apply the cream for good results. Use twice daily. For best results use it after plucking out all facial hair. Not for use on the head/scalp hair.

Where to buy eflora cream online in UK?

Looking to buy eflora cream online in UK? Which helps in slowing down the hair growth on the face? Now you can buy online at Allgenericcure. It is available for the lowest price online.

Where to apply and use it?

It comes in cream form. Applied on certain body parts such as

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Under Chin

Upper lips


The facial area where you don’t want hair to grow

How to apply eflora cream?

The application of the cream is quite simple and similar to other beauty creams. You must follow your doctor’s directions properly. To apply,

Clean your face and pluck/wax the affected area and remove the hair.

After the cream has been applied wait for 15 minutes.

Open the cream and now apply a thin layer to the affected area.

Rub until there is no residue left.

Do not wash within 4 hours of application.

Apply two times daily for better results.


Use as prescribed by your physician. Do not apply on any other body part this might cause hair loss or slow hair growth.

Side effects

Eflornithine cream has a few side effects some of which are mentioned below:

Urge to scratch




Ingrown hair

Formation of blackheads

Drug Interaction

There are no such incidents of interaction. But you must not apply any other beauty cream or ointment when using Eflornithine cream buy at Allgenericcure.


Do not apply if

You have no hair growing on the chin and upper lips.

Having an allergic side effect after application.

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant.

Do not apply to any other body part.

Do not apply on marks of chickenpox, measles, and shingles.

Avoid using it on acne and pimples.

Can men use it?

It is safe for men, so both men and women can use Vaniqa to reduce the growth of facial hair. Before application, you must pluck out all the hair where you want to have less. Soon after plucking them apply eflora cream gently. Do not wash your face after application. Otherwise, there will be no effects on the hair follicles.

Can eflora cream cause erectile dysfunction?

There is no such side effect reported when using it.

Where to buy eflora cream online in USA?

Buy eflora cream online and maintain your privacy with us only at AllGenericCure. Purchase for the cheapest price in the UK, USA. Delivering it in lockdown right now.

Is it safe to use it during pregnancy?

When pregnant you should consult the doctor for more information. The cream penetrates the skin therefore consult your doctor before use.

When should I wash my face?

Do not wash your face for at least 5 hours after the application. Apply makeup after the complete dry-out of the cream.

How long do I need to use it?

For good results, you must apply it for at least 4-6 weeks twice daily. For prolonged, effects do not stop its usage. If you stop applying for a few days you may see extreme growth back at a normal rate like before. Consider laser surgery for complete removal as Eflora cream cannot stop the hair growth completely.

How to purchase eflora cream online?

Vaniqa is available for purchase for a cheap price online at Allgenericcure. Get it delivered in




Hong Kong







How to store?

Store it in a cool and dry place.

Away from direct heat and light.

Not for ages less than 18.

This product is available over the counter.


Where can i buy eflornithine cream?

Buy Eflornithine cream at AllGenericCure.

What is eflornithine cream used for?

The cream is used to prevent the growth of hair on face. After plucking all the facial hair apply the cream on the parts where you have removed all your hair.

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