Not long ago, my friend came over to visit me. She took a few hours out of her day, drove to my house, had coffee with me, and then drove back to her house. Her visit had a beginning and an end. I visit my friend, but I live with – walk with – my husband. I think about my husband all throughout my day. I text him, clean for him, cook for him, and my whole life revolves around him. When he’s ...
How Is Your Walk With God?
Sep 11, 2024
96 Vues
I always stand in the aisle during worship. Yesterday morning, as usual, I was worshiping in the aisle, and in front of me my friend was dancing, shouting, and waving her hands about. I always wonder if new people will think we're a bit crazy . And maybe we are. But the stories that could be told of those who fill that room each Sunday at 10:00 and 1:00 PM.... Oh - they'd fill volumes upon v...
You Have Been Forgiven Much
Sep 09, 2024
97 Vues