There is Knowledge in the Series of Ques ...

There is Knowledge in the Series of Questions

Apr 27, 2023

When I was a child, I never truly felt like I was a child but also never felt like I was older. Probably because a child is curious by nature and as a child, I am curious about many things. Although I could never be older and wiser enough, I recognize that I lack the knowledge to navigate the world. I have always wondered, first things first, how alphabets were created, how the creator sounded out those letters, and what crossed their mind while they are in pursuit of knowledge. Words are one of the few things humans learned before anything else yet there are many beautiful words left undiscovered. They are beautiful but with the wrong usage, they could be dangerous. It’s one of the few things I considered truly beautiful for the fact that words can be flipped around like a coin and change their appearance. With the limited time I have in the human world, in a corporal body, I wanted to learn all of those. And with the little footsteps I left on the vast Earth, I am slapped with the fact that I know too little. I may not know more than what I want to acquire but I wanted to know more. Knowledge goes beyond the solid Earth, the green nature, blue skies, and pristine turquoise waters. They go beyond the dark and mystic universe. I could not navigate all of that with the little time I have and with the limited worldview I have. My world is too little to tear through the boundless universe, I could only watch one thing. It is probably the reason why I enjoy reading so much. It’s not only the love of words and creation but also my wild pursuit of knowledge. Writers take their time researching, the road they walked to is sweat and blood, and their blood stains the paper. The thoughts they poured into it make me think to myself. I’ve seen few sceneries through my eyes but I’ve lived different lifetimes. In those different lifetimes, I became different people with different memories, different characteristics, and different academic and intellectual interests. I’ve seen different eras, and during my journey to different dimensions, I became a voyager who carries all the memories and feelings of every character I’ve lived. These things carved in words are not only created to entertain and to provide knowledge but they are also engraved in the heart of every people who lived the life of those characters. Those thoughts they carried while walking towards the path they laid for themselves became the foundation of curiosity. Curious minds are always in pursuit of a greater goal, that is the attainment of knowledge, and knowledge is found in curiosity. The beginning in exploration of different matters of the world started with a question and will not end with one question.

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