Ordinary Daily Life of an Omegaverse Gui ...

Ordinary Daily Life of an Omegaverse Guide Review

Apr 05, 2023

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a book review... or is it considered a book review? Isn’t it just a messy pile of my sentiments about certain books? Lol! Anyway, I’ve got something for you.

Title: Ordinary Daily Life of an Omegaverse Guide

Genre: Yaoi, Supernatural, Action

Status: On-going (so far, I’ve read until Chapter 59)

Rating: 9.5/10

Another undiscovered gem! This is my first time reading about Guide x Esper trope so I don’t know much about it but based on what I understood, it can be closely associated to Omega x Alpha? Correct me if I am mistaken. For people who do not know this trope, I’ll explain a little so you’d have an overview and little understanding.

You probably already know what an Esper is. They are people who possess abilities that normal human beings do not. Such as telekinesis, super strength, wind, super speed and more to mention... In this manhwa, the Espers role is to protect that human civilization with their abilities from monsters. There are dungeons and Espers risked their lives everyday to fight monsters. Also, there are rankings in Espers (and Guides). From F (I think) as the lowest and S as the highest.

Now, let’s talk about the Guides. Guides are the opposite to the Espers. They are as fragile as ordinary humans but they possess an ability. In this world, if Espers are important, then Guides are much valuable. Guides have the ability to stop Espers eruption when they overuse their powers thus stopping them from their death and the destruction of the town or City (the range of destruction depends on their ranks). I don’t know how their powers work but I think they pour their energy or powers to the bodies of Espers, control the flow of Espers ability or energy.

The Seme/ Gong is an S-rank Esper who is the most popular among the three S-rankers. Uke/Shou is a B-rank Guide whom seme find compatibility, and he finds uke’s way of guiding to be soothing and not repulsive. So he took uke to be his exclusive guide.

Why I rated it high? I haven’t read other Guide x Esper books so I’m probably not the best person to rank this genre because I cannot compare it to others with the same genre, however, I find this book compelling. I am picky when it comes to book, and I nitpick every little thing I don’t find pleasing until I drop it but I stayed for this book. I am actually looking forward to the next chapter.

Good suspense (check!)

Cliff-hangers (check!)

Green flag seme and uke (check!)

No unnecessary dramas just to make the story longer (check!)

However, there’s a reason why point five is there instead of a full-mark. I dislike how the uke’s sexual assault was downplayed. I don’t know how every sexually assaulted people act but what happens just puts me off. I’m glad seme got angry for uke though and got him the justice he deserve. That weird ass bitch who sexually assaulted uke got what he deserved. My problem is not really how they reacted to uke’s sexual assault. I love how they respond to it. But I don’t like uke’s response to that. He was nonchalant about it, probably thinking that it was natural he got assaulted. I did not see his character to be like that, it was very out-of-character for me. Or I probably analyze his character wrong.

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