Imagine you will exchange one asset with another just like bardener time. Hen for bunch of corn's , Shirts for Hen's. Many people believe this is impactical because bardener model is the first model used for transaction in humankind. According to Ecomics demand & supply + other variables [i.e rent, labour, production] determine price of product. Now imagine investor buy asset [real estate] and...
Assets payoff Assets
Jun 22, 2024
22 Visualizaciones
Many asian countries don't take advanatage of this underrate wealth generation tool. This tool change destiny of so many countries and it's nessescity for mordern world. Let's study history when anyone want to do business traditionally he / she inherit business or need investment for family and friends or join company. These all ways are bad decision any founder will take. Let's review why? Inheri...
Most underrate wealth generation in asia
Jun 12, 2024
59 Visualizaciones
I'm reading book on M&A which is the hot topic in business paticularly conglomerate do business like this way. M&A require lot of resources i.e M&A Law acts , finanacing, state Laws, accouting firm, banks, security firms, sellers , abritgers and most important time & stategy. I hope you'll remember past biggest m&a deals of the time i.e, US Steel, JPmorgan chase, RJR Nibasco, P...
Fail Merage & Accquations Deals
Jun 11, 2024
98 Visualizaciones