Updated Room Control and H2O2 Control

Updated Room Control and H2O2 Control

Jan 20, 2021


When you run the "uninstall" command with the script in your programmable block, the script will undo any changes to your blocks that the script made when it first ran. With this command you can test the script and don't have to worry about going through each block of your grid to remove the script again.

automatic grid analysis:

So that the script does not display blocks that belong to a possibly docked other ship, you previously had to give each block a specific name part.
With the update I introduced a function that automatically analyzes the grid. Everything that is connected via rotors, pistons, hinges or merge blocks is recognized as a coherent grid. Connections with connectors are ignored and recognized as separate grids.
Renaming all blocks is only necessary if you have actually connected other stations or ships with the help of merge blocks.

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