Climate Change : Rap Music Single By Alf ...

Climate Change : Rap Music Single By Alfred

Jun 10, 2022

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The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

Science went from Facts, to superstition of our time

Scientists, are High Priests & Priestess this time

Sacrifice, whatever they ask, to the golden calf

Never pause to think twice, once, or even half

You cut carbon emissions, they multiply theirs

'n' cop oceanside properties, like good lie, good price

They fly their private jets to COP26's new Draft

To outline how the peasants get to live minimal

Climate change is a scam, from the crew who planned

The lockdown, that shut down, businesses except theirs

The plandemic was history's greatest wealth transfer

And it was all done in the guise of saving your life


The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's a power grab, and fools get fooled again 

Lookout Lookout Lookout it's a Shootout

Of 3rd world economies, it's no Cookout

Phase out oil, coal, 'n' fossil fuel subsidies

Using natural resources causes global warming

Africa's value drops to zero, they would go hungry

Without financial aid 'n' systems run by d elites

Rich countries have to give $100 billion a year for this

Like poor countries are colonies their budget must list

It's one world government, the world is one country

They give their power to the beast to fight global warming

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's the same 'Ol same, It's the same 'Ol same

The Climate Change tale is the same 'Ol same

It's a power grab, and fools get fooled again 

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