Libido and the Entrepreneurial Journey # ...

Libido and the Entrepreneurial Journey #001

Jan 26, 2022

You get to work. And work for you is set by you because you are building, envisioning and creating the business. The money, the management, the responsibility all rest on you. When you are imagining and envisioning it all, with all the fear, excitement, anxiety, compulsion and a host of other emotions, you have to get up each and every morning and keep going. Holding the vision in mind and building castles in our imaginary sky, knowing that one day you must come down to earth and build a real actual thriving business. This is now that day and the exhaustion, the relationship stresses, the long meetings, the financial risk, the insane levels of flexibility as you switch roles, are all necessary parts of the entrepreneurial journey. We can often forget the wellness and health of you, the person at the centre, upon whom it all depends! Supporting entrepreneur wellness and health is my passion, ensuring that the person at the centre upon whom it all depends is well, energetic, balanced and able to respond to the daily challenges of the entrepreneurial journey is what I do. This business of creating businesses is stressful and the energy, passion and turning up, requires an energy, a commitment, which I call libido.

Get in touch with your libido

If you think of libido as only sexual energy, you are really missing out on an incredible possibility.

When I talk about libido, I am talking about eagerness, a desire, a lust to enact and make real what you have most likely spent years envisioning. Libido in this sense doesn’t ignore our sexual energy, because in my decade of clinical experience, I have found that when our energetic resources are overflowing and we are able to deal wisely with our relationships, sexual libido overflows also.

The disappearance of libido is often a red flag, telling us that our energetic resources are depleted. Stress takes its toll and in coming editions I will share many of my secrets, share products, herbs and regimes, that build up our energetic resources ensuring that we have a strong, resilient libido, to not only pour into creating your business but which allows us to understand how to keep our lives and relationships together in a way that allows libido to remain strong. Vitalising Bitters is a product designed with this kind of support in mind. The creative needs of a new enterprise requires tons of libido energy. Building libido, conserving libido, encouraging libido and recovering libido are parts of the entrepreneurial journey that I will deal with in detail. Remember Libido, liberty and love all come from the same Latin root words meaning to care, desire and love. Getting in touch with your libido allows you to turn up daily with passion and when it starts to wane you understand how to rebuild and recover it.

Building antifragile wellness and health on the entrepreneurial journey

After the success of our businesses we still need wellness and health to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Well why don’t we use the entrepreneurial journey itself to learn how to build, recover and maintain our health? Now that would be antifragile and net positive thinking! Subscribe and stay with me and that is what we will do! If you don’t know what antifragile and net positivity is there will be more about that in tomorrow’s post Wellness is in the body and health in the mind.

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