Hi! I’m the author of Ctrl blog; a weekly blog about programming, operating systems, and web publishing every week. Known for projects like EdgeDeflector and AMP-to-HTML.
Please support my ongoing work if you believe Ctrl blog is a thing that should continue to exist. Your funds go to cover ongoing operational costs and, you know, to pay me for my work.
Recent supporters

Yaya Kristin bought 3 coffees.
Btw…link didn’t directly go to this site; had to Google search.
Being greedy and asking for 2nd reaction. Your choice of which version if you decide to react. Composed by Igor Krutoy.
“Know” music video (spectacular, cinematic, gorgeous location in Iceland)—-This is my favorite version:
https://youtu.be/nIJfrMFiTXw?si=jjbnuS44c9mb5mhM ***
“Know” Live version is also incredible. Beg’g highlights baritone range. And for female Dears- no shirt under white suit (😉🥰). Impressive at end that holds off applause for instruments to finish.

Yaya Kristin bought a coffee.
Love your Dimash reactions. He is my daily therapy. This is one of my favorites. Please react when have time.
“Ikanaide” In Japanese. Has subtitles. Based on true story. Live stream in studio for Tokyo Jazz Festival during Covid. A favorite. Emotional. Sobbed 1st time experienced it.
Thank you.

Someone bought a coffee.

Phill B bought a coffee.
Saved me quite a bit of hunting around.... 😄

Leopold bought a coffee.