New monthly buy me a coffee giveaways

New monthly buy me a coffee giveaways

Nov 12, 2020

Hey everyone, thank you some much for all of your support. Moving forward, every month starting this Saturday, I will be doing giveaways just for the buy me a coffee members. I’ll do a couple of surprise giveaways for you as well from time to time.

I will also start posting all of the Alaska Woodchuck videos to the Buymeacoffee page 1week before it goes public. So, you will all be getting to see these videos much sooner.

Again I want to thank all of you for helping make Alaska woodchuck possible. In the meantime stay sharp and keep on chuck’n.

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Achetez un block of basswood à Alaskawoodchuck

3 Commentaires
Nov 15, 2020
Your current video is an inspiration and relief to see. I saw a little of your facebook page and I was afraid you were about to chuck it all and stop Alaska Woodchuck.  I spoke to a local business today and we are going to start a local club. You are the reason for this. You are inspiring people in more ways than you know, and in things not even related to carving. Please do not stop, this is what you are supposed to do. This is obvious.
Ole Gunderson
Nov 14, 2020
So sorry to hear about what happened with your daughter. So in addition to buying you some coffee (which I personally don't drink) I can buy you some basswood too? How great is that?
Kevin Conrad
Nov 14, 2020
I agree with Ole.  I truly enjoyed watching your daughter with you.  You 2 remind me of my kid and I 25 yrs ago, lol.  Anyways, huge fan and I use your words everyday......"keep on chuckin"

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