Today we will create a progress bar with an array of observables. The tutorial in its current form is not a real-world example but think of it as when you have to keep track of like 20 requests, how easy will this make your life. So, let's start. To have a look at what we are trying to create follow this link To start let us first create a few mock requests:- ``` ts const requestOne = of("first")....
RxJs Tutorials - Progress Bar - Ex 2.2
Nov 16, 2020
In the first two exercises, we did some basic RxJs, and in this exercise too, we won't do anything fancy we will continue to polish our skills of Rxjs and move on to some advanced exercises later. Today we are going to create a horizontal scrollbar indicator which indicates how much we have scrolled on a page. The final result will be something like this:- To do this let us list down what are the ...
Rxjs Tutorials - Horizontal Scroll Indicator - Ex 2.1
Oct 27, 2020
In the first post of this series, we created a synchronous type ahead. Now this time we are going to fetch data via an API. Here for the first time, we will see some great use cases of Rxjs like cancellable requests, race condition handling, etc. If you have not read the first article you can read it here . In this article, we will use some really powerful RxJs operators like switchMap, catchError...
RxJs Tutorials - Asynchronous Type Ahead - Ex 1.2
Oct 16, 2020