Updates & New Website!

Updates & New Website!

May 22, 2024

On the 6th May I had a DIEP Flap reconstructive surgery. While I’ve been healing from my surgery, I have been doing my best to rest and not push my body past its limits.

That being said, anyone that knows me knows that my creative mind cannot rest. So while in hospital, I came up with the idea of merging my two websites FetBlod and Wolf & Rosehip into one. A perfect solution for my love/hate relationship with social media and algorithms.

I have many little projects I want to share and it can get a bit overwhelming when I feel I have to seperate them between the two creative spaces that I hold. FetBlod with always be my space devoted to my tattoo career but I felt I needed to have a space that all the other creative projects I work on can be seen as well. When I needed to step back and go through the breast cancer challenge, I created Wolf & Rosehip to be that perfect space and give me purpose while I couldn’t work. And now that I have the two spaces devoted to the balance that sums up my creativity, I also need to be able to merge them into one so it showcases what makes me, Me!

What does this new website mean? Well firstly, it’s the first time I’ve paid to have a space other than my two domains. Even though I am unable to work and provide an income for the next 8 weeks or so, I want to be able to set up a starting point to grow from and you will be able to locate it through both fetblod.com and wolfandrosehip.com domains. It’s taken me three days to get it to a point I feel good about and that’s not bad since I’ve never done this before!

Secondly, I have an online shop of my very own now and can scrap all the other places to make life so much more simple! I cannot wait to share what I’ve been working on listing soon 🥰

Lastly, I will no longer be continuing with my Patreon due to the fact that I’ve found it too hard to accept money from patrons without having some sort of engagement. I have learned a lot while using this platform, but I also know that I can form subscriptions and tiers here on Buy Me A Coffee or my new Website when that time comes.

The best part of having this new website is the fact that I will be using it to communicate to those that want to subscribe to my updates and newsletter. This is where I plan on communicating new shop items, creative updates, my return to work information and even future monthly tattoo flash specials.

If you want to sign up, simply visit either fetblod.com or wolfandrosehip.com and subscribe via email in the home page!

Let me know what you think and thank you so so much for your support 🙏🏼💖

x Aja

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