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LisaLoOK bought 4 coffees.
Have some latte Jack.. Jesus ❤️ us
LisaLoOK bought 5 coffees.
here some vanilla latte Jack.. Jesus bless us all.
Xwingvalet bought 3 coffees.
Your video on the church of Sardis was very well done, biblically accurate, poignant and I believe Holy Spirit led. It had to be the Holy Spirit that revealed to you the letter to Sardis is directly connected to the dead works of denominational Christianity. How the modern day ecumenical movement is creating a false man centered unity NOT under Christ but under human rule. Also, you touched briefly on the errors of Replacement Theology and Amillenialism, both errors are infiltrating the church through false teachers like John Piper and Jeff Durbin. Finally, you pointed out that there is a blessing attached to the reading of this book, there is and it is the only book offers that. I want to encourage you to keep pursuing this course and if you ever want to talk Revelation let me know, I've logged thousands of hours of study and the Holy Spirit has made some things that were once vague and confusing to me abundantly clear in that book. There is NOTHING in Revelation that cannot be found in other places in the Bible, specifically the old testament and more specifically Genesis. The Bible is like a loaf of of bread it looks the same on both ends.....
LisaLoOK bought 4 coffees.
thank you for teaching and have a great weekend Jack🙏🤗💐
LisaLoOK bought 5 coffees.
Have some coffee Jack 😍😘