Hexapod #2 using HEXES Mini Pack 02

Hexapod #2 using HEXES Mini Pack 02

May 28, 2022

The past two months have been consumed by wrapping up assignments as well as the making of additional models for the existing packs. Still very new to a lot of the process, I wanted to fill them out more to get a better sense of value. It's a funny - I have, in a way, adopted a "live service" (product) workflow with all the products, but the one thing it's has helped the most with get a better sense of what the next step should be without going all the way and pouring weeks in with a definitive ending. Leaving that opening to add a little more eases the pressure for it to be perfect because I can always add to it or switch things up a little till I settle on something I really like. I think this project is an example of that.

There is a clear difference in style between the first set of models and the newer pieces and this is mostly due to the influence of the language that first appeared in the models from Mini Pack 03.

Used some of the decals and I realised the importance of creating decals with final use in-mind. Part of the struggle was probably from not being more familiar - tunnel vision was on production that the experience...

Very satisfied with this project and its additions to the pack. Links below.

Thank you to everyone who's bought one and please feel free to message me with suggestions.

Blender Market


Art Station

Flipped Normals

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