Our current donation goal is 1,500 $ CAD ~! This goal is to fund the creation of a VTuber model for twitch streaming 💕 I will be updating everyone about the CDG (Current Donation Goal) on the discord server. Thank you for supporting me! Donations are not necessary, but highly appreciated.
Current Donation Goal
Aug 06, 2022
149 visualizzazioni
Donating is never necessary to enjoy content, but it’s highly appreciated 💕 Your donations help make art and content creation a focus in my life 💖 Where do your donations go? Your donations help me fund my content, nothing is ever free and there are a lot of expenses required to up keep an online presence. For example, a vtuber model for streaming, mods, or even advertising. Everything has...
Donating FAQ
Aug 06, 2022
100 visualizzazioni
Hello everyone! i set up this donation page in hopes of raising enough money to buy a VTuber model for twitch streaming 💕 Donations are not required to enjoy my content but highly appreciated as our contributions make art and content creation a bigger focus on my life💕 Thank you everyone!
Introduction 💕
Aug 03, 2022
117 visualizzazioni