Why not?

May 18, 2021

Hi friend,

I thought I'd put up one of these Buy Me A Coffee pages, though I don't expect it to get any traction. I have a Patreon that is all but dead, and a tip jar that hasn't seen a cent.

I am not really looking for any sustaining monetary support from the public, but wanted to give people an opportunity if they want to express it.

I write various articles, and have worked since mid-2020 on The AD6DM Hamdom Thoughts Podcast, where I wanted a 1-on-1 style "get to know the person behind the operation" interview of various nerds and amateur radio operators I have met. Call it a 1-hour snapshot biography. So far it has been well received.

I also like to tinker with DIY offgrid solutions. This could include powering your devices and appliances from the sun's power, having backup battery systems, taking your ham radio out in remote locations, or simply giving your raspberry pi a little more runtime when you're out in the field. I also build microcontroller-based systems and linux-based systems, but my real fun is in the hands-on electrical stuff.

If you have found any of the things I've shared helpful, useful, or entertaining, feel free to buy me a coffee to express it. Or don't. I'm don't have dreams of making a living off of crowdfunded content production. I just want to share what I've experienced in the hopes it helps you as well.

Thanks and 73,

AD6DM Dennis

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