Top 4 Competitors Of AWS In 2023

Top 4 Competitors Of AWS In 2023

Mar 01, 2023

There Are Many Competitive Cloud Computing Services, But How Do They Stack Up Against AWS? Discover The Best Competitors Of AWS In This Comparison Guide!

Amazon started as an e-commerce platform and has spread its wings in many sectors. One of the major services (apart from e-commerce) Amazon provides is its cloud service. It goes by the name of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Cloud computing is the next-gen technology powering many businesses and industries. And Amazon has done a great job in making its mark in this sector too! However, like every business, there are competitors to Amazon too!

In this article, I will highlight the competitors of AWS in 2023. You’ll see a brief comparison of all the competitors of AWS.

Before that, you might want to read our SWOT analysis of Amazon to understand the basic operations of this company.

Competitors Of AWS In 2023

1. Microsoft Azure

It is often referred to as Azure. It is a complete cloud computing service developed and offered by Microsoft. Azure is the biggest and strongest competitor of AWS. It holds the second-highest market share after AWS.

Azure currently offers more than 600 services related to cloud computing. The general overview of the services is that it provides software as a service(SaaS), platform as a service(PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and extensive support for different programming and frameworks.

You can use Azure for virtual machines, website development, and deployment. Azure also provides support for cloud storage using REST and SDK APIs. Apart from these generic cloud services, Azure has expanded its support for machine learning, IoT, and even blockchain-based projects.

Azure is available in 54 regions, with 12 new regions being developed.

Official Website: Azure

2. Google Cloud

A cloud-computing service offered by Google. It is officially named Google Cloud Platform. The infrastructure that Google uses for its products such as Gmail, YouTube, and Drive – is the same offered in its cloud platform. As per Google’s offerings, there are around 100 services under its cloud platform.

Google Cloud Platform provides computing technology to help compute virtual machines, deploy cloud projects, and develop cloud applications. It also provides storage facilities across various cloud data centers. You can also use this platform for Big Data. You will find data warehouses, cloud analytics, and support for multiple databases. Apart from this, it has expanded its services to IoT as well.

Google Cloud Platform is available in 34 regions and 103 zones.

Official Website: Google Cloud Platform

3. Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group. It is known as Aliyun in Chinese. It is the biggest and largest cloud service provider in China.
This cloud platform primarily serves businesses and also its own e-commerce platform, Alibaba.

Alibaba Cloud provides similar offerings as compared to others in this article. You can use this platform as software as a service(SaaS), platform as a service(PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and Database as a service (DbaaS). In this case, the database is entirely managed on the cloud. Apart from this, it provides extensive support for cloud-based big data. You can review, analyze and maintain the entire cloud datasets and run algorithms. IoT is one more major service it provides for businesses. The other services include

Alibaba Cloud operates data centers in 24 regions and 74 zones.

Official Website: Alibaba Cloud

4. IBM Cloud

This platform is one great cloud platform provided by IBM. This platform is primarily targeted at businesses and enterprises to fulfill their cloud service needs. IBM Cloud was formerly known as Bluemix. IBM did not start the cloud service was scratch. A company founded in 2005 by the name of Softlayer was acquired by IBM. Softlayer was a dedicated cloud service provider.

IBM Cloud contains around 170 services that cover almost every cloud service. You can use this platform for cloud-based databases and storage. This platform provides extensive support for cloud-based development and application deployment. Moreover, they also provide robust cloud-based networking infrastructure for businesses. IBM Cloud has also started machine learning and artificial intelligence applications under their cloud services.

Official Website: IBM Cloud

Competitors Of AWS By Market Share

Amazon Web Services hold the majority of the customer base. The primary reason for this is that it provides its cloud services to businesses and individuals. Whereas, on the contrary, Alibaba and IBM cloud services primarily provide enterprise solutions.

Comparison Between AWS, Azure, And Google Cloud

Here is a quick table to compare AWS with Azure and Google Cloud – the top competitors of AWS.

Amazon Web Servies And Microsoft Azure

Amazon Web Services And Google Cloud

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