
Jul 30, 2021

Why Africa is perilously far behind on coronavirus vaccination

Even as the spread of the highly transmissible delta variant drags out the coronavirus pandemic, the prospect of mass vaccination offers a path to relative safety in much of the world. But in most of Africa, a continent left in the dust of the global vaccine scramble, that hope remains out of reach.

© Leo Correa/AP Waiting to receive Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose coronavirus vaccine in Dakar, Senegal, on July 28, 2021. (Leo Correa/AP)

In recent weeks, Africa has seen its worst spike yet in recorded cases, in an overwhelmingly unvaccinated population. New cases of infection on the continent as a whole have dipped from an all-time peak in mid-July. Removing data from South Africa, though, “reveals a uniquely steep and unbroken nine-week surge” across the continent, the World Health Organization said last week.

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