I ,Me and Myself

Apr 07, 2024

Hey there, awesome readers!

I’m Abila, Abila The Great. (Imagine me throwing out that intro like James Bond, and if you didn’t catch it, give it another go — Abila, Abila the Great.)

Now that you’ve soaked in the vibes and maybe got a little tingle of excitement, you might be wondering how a woman in her mid-20s, knee-deep in a quarter-life crisis, got bestowed with such a title.

So, you’re probably asking, who crowned me and for what mind-blowing achievement?


I crowned myself, and my claim to fame? The epic love I’ve got for myself that no one can shake. What some folks call narcissism, I proudly dub self-love.

Now, what’s to love about me, you ask? Let’s break it down.

First off, I’ve mastered the art of squeezing into a jam-packed Mumbai Local at 6:30 pm. It’s not just a skill; it’s a legit talent. And to my fellow Mumbaikars, pat yourselves on the back for surviving this daily chaos — it’s an exclusive skill only true Mumbaikars possess.

Next up, I love how I can just stroll into a cafe, chill by myself, sip on some coffee, and doodle away. As much as I dig hanging out with folks, solo time is my jam.

I’ve gotta give props to myself for bouncing back every time life throws me a curveball. Been wrestling with the dark clouds of depression for ages, and while I’ve lost count of my falls, I’m damn proud of every rise.

A while ago I stumbled upon a quote somewhere “Instead of striving for perfection, aim to be better than yesterday.” Isn’t it just beautifully simple yet profound? I’m all about that gradual self-improvement, facing fears one baby step at a time.

There’s a whole bunch more I’ve grown to love about myself. It’s been a journey, not a quick one. So, why not slap on the title Abila The Great? Better than yesterday, great today, and destined to be the absolute greatest tomorrow. Cheers to that! 🚀✨

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