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Signals and Systems | Home Assignment 2 | MIT course

Topics covered in this assignment:

1. When the impulse response of a discrete-time LTI system is h[n] and the input
signal to the system is x[n] , determine the ouput signal y[n] of the system and fill
in the blanks for y[n].
2. Determine whether the following equations are;linear,casual,time-invariant
3. Consider a discrete-time system with impulse response; <....>: Find the integer A such that <....>
4. For the continuous-time periodic signal <....>. Determine the fundamental frequency w(o) and the Fourier series coefficients a(k) suchthat <....>
5. Consider an LTI system that is implemented as an RL circuit shown in the
figure below (R = 6 Ohm, L=15H). The input signal, x(t), is generated by the
current source and the output, y(t), is measured as current trough the
inductor. :
(a) Find the differential equation relating xt) and y(t).
(b) Determine the frequency response of this system by considering the output of
the system to inputs of the form x(t) = e^(iwr).
(c) Determine the output y(t) if x(t) = cos(t).

Correctness: 95%

Disclaimer: some answers could be wrong, use on your own risk.
