Online resources to learn about hacking and web security can be very complicated to navigate. When I am studying a new topic, I often spend hours and hours weeding out irrelevant, inaccurate, duplicate, and outdated information. I also noticed that it is easy to learn about the basics of a topic, but hard to learn in depth. That's why I'm starting a monthly syllabus program to help you learn about...
About The Web Security Syllabus Project
Sep 07, 2020
418 Vues
Hi, y'all, I have decided to move the cybersecurity syllabus project to somewhere free and accessible for everyone. (Details to come!) So feel free to cancel the membership that you previously needed to access the content. But of course, I will appreciate it if you are willing to support me continuously! Thanks! Vickie
Moving The Syllabus Project!
Nov 03, 2020
210 Vues