Animals are increasingly at the forefront of research questions – not as shadows to human stories, or as beings we want to understand biologically, or for purely our benefit – but as beings who have histories, stories, and geographies of their own.
On The Animal Turn Claudia Hirtenfelder talks to animal studies scholars about some of the most important concepts emerging in animal studies. Each season is set around a particular theme so that the ways in which these different concepts hang together (or not) become more apparent, allowing for deeper reflection and consideration not only about animals but about the broader fields in which they are now being considered. To that end, each season finishes with a Grad Review to help tie some themes together and identify potential points of divergence.
On The Animal Highlight, Claudia works together with co-hosts to make more accessible content about animals. The Animal Highlight was originally a segment of The Animal Turn but it has spawned into an interesting way of showcasing the work of emerging scholars and highlighting important information about animals. Like The Animal Turn each season of The Animal Highlight is set around a specific theme but it has a less conceptual focus instead focusing on animals and their stories.
Money raised on "Buy Me A Coffee" will go directly back into the shows. Not only will this money go towards administrative costs but it will also be given to the people who are helping to enrich the show and raise awareness about animals. Currently everyone who works on the show volunteers their time and talents. We are working towards making The Animal Turn more sustainable and putting some money away so that we can ensure its longevity and continue producing content that is important for animals and animal studies.
There are many ways to support us! If you have $3 for a once off show of support that would be great and if you don't have it, not to worry leave us a review anywhere you listen and tell your friends, families, classmates, and lecturers about the shows!
Sostenitori recenti

Julia, a big fan 😄 ha offerto 5 coffees .
I think this podcast is amazing and I hope to hear many more interesting insights from the animals world.