Hey 👋 This is Eric and Anita from Taiwanica.
Taiwanica is a podcast talking about cultural differences between Taiwan and the USA, self-improvement, and other topics of general interest to help people improve their livelihood.
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Jason bought 2 coffees.
Great episode on cross cultural relationship! 100% agree with the multicultural education and exposure to kids so that they can understand and accommodate themselves to the variety of the environment. Neither American nor Taiwanese are the only people live in the world. Discrimination comes from unfamiliarity to the difference. If everyone is so comfortable to be with different people, then that kind of difference really makes no difference at all😊

Anita is now a member.

Jason is now a member.
A very interesting podcast to learn from both cultures America and Taiwan, also to know better oneself through practical measures! Especially turning the negative thoughts into a positive one, which is easily to be seen in our daily life. Through small positive steps per day and accumulating those in a long run that can help us cope with negative emotions from day to day😄