Greetings, friends!
Payasa Art is a small artistic team consisting of Ceemo and Magmo and a support system of close friends.
Payasa/Ceemo/C.Moses is a digital artist, photographer, printmaker, creative mind, and performance artist working in many different mediums. Her artwork ranges from serious and poignant to fun and quirky, including elements of technology, humanity and spirituality.
Ceemo is the creator of the Skellybots, a series of cartoons and digital illustrations that remind us to love the best parts of humanity and all of our unique traditions and culture.
She is one of many talented artists in featured on, a global community of artists who use technology and technological mediums as a means of expression.
Magmo is a digital artist and creator of Blocky Beez! Blocky Beez are cute little cubical bees that remind us to BEE ourselves! (Get it? Hahahaha) Magmo is a gamer, actress, and creative mind with extra quirkiness on hand for any situation.
Find out more about the bots and beez at
Payasa Art Goals:
Our goals include opening up and expanding a merch shop
Publishing Two books by September of 2023
Creating animations for online distribution
Comics and other fun stuff!
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Stacey Hudson ha comprado 3 coffees .
Stacey Hudson ha comprado 3 coffees .
Stacey Hudson ya es miembro.
Stacey Hudson ha comprado 3 coffees .
Izzy ya es miembro.