Hi everyone!! If you want to support the music we make, you can now do so by buying us a coffee! Thank you! We've posted many covers together and have many originals that are waiting to be recorded. By supporting us, you will be included in the process journey and we can't thank you enough! Jen & Ian x
Recent supporters

SuperflyLee bought 5 coffees.
Hi Jennifer, loved your reactions and analysis in the past, i have a donation and suggestion for you if you have some time and interest, something a little fun and different. I came across a very talented family in the Philippines doing mostly studio covers as a full family, Mom, Dad and 4 siblings (11 to 16), they are MISSIONED SOULS and they are fantastic. They just posted a cover to TAKE A CHANCE ON ME by ABBA,
Just my suggestion, if you find another cover more appealing go for it, much thanks🙏

John Watson bought 3 coffees.
I learn a lot from your reactions! I would love to have your voice-teacher opinion of a singer very different from most of those you react to:
Sarah Vaughan https://youtu.be/zTGHU3jzV5o?si=us1i52o7DWQkdl1d ... starting at about 36:00 to 41:30 minutes (2 songs). I suggest you NOT watch the rest of the video; you may be offended by the setting. I am!)

I am Sammy bought 5 coffees.

Andrew Auerbach bought 5 coffees.
Hi Jen,
Enjoyed your reaction and breakdown of Johnny Cash’s Hurt. Would love to see you react to The Warning, a hard rock trio of sisters from Monterrey Mexico. Suggest this recent live performance video from Mexico City called “Hell You Call a Dream”: