È una metafora amichevole, non un vero coffee. Ogni "coffee" costa $5 e puoi comprarne quanti ne vuoi.
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Amici - Friends of Italian Portland
Italian Portland is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to, ‘Raising awareness of Italian culture and its influence in the world, through cultural events, education, and service.’ Subscribing will help us continue to bring cultural programs & events to our community and beyond. Grazie!🇮🇹
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Famiglia - Join the Family
Italian Portland is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to, ‘Raising awareness of Italian culture and its influence in the world, through cultural events, education, and service.’ Subscribing will help us continue to bring cultural programs & events to our community and beyond. Grazie!🇮🇹
Free Italian Portland Coffee Mug! ☕️
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Benvenuti! Welcome! 🇮🇹
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Chi siamo Italian Portland
Promoting Italian Culture Events Education & Service
Ciao! 👋 Italian Portland is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that promotes and preserves Italian culture through events, education, & service. You can now buy us a coffee! ☕️ Please print your receipt for your tax deductible donation. Grazie! 🇮🇹