About Frinckles
Recent supporters
Hey hey party people. Probably a bit late on this post but just giving an update. 2.0 launched pretty damn smoothly and we've gotten a bunch of new and returning players on. I know some of you helped test the 2.0 beta so thanks again for your donations and support, it really helps. Currently I'm working with other admins to polish the forums and make bug reporting/suggestions easier to locate but ...
Happy New Year
Jan 12, 2022
Hey guys, just dropping by to say I really appreciate the coffees. I'm enrolling in school this Spring Semester to finish my degree and get my AutoCAD certification so every bit helps. After 2.0 is released I plan to continue developing Mafia and keep the game alive and playing as often as I can with you. There's some special stuff planned for donors that will be announced soon so be on the lookou...
Merry Christmas
Dec 10, 2021