20 supporters
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Jan 12, 2022

Hey hey party people. Probably a bit late on this post but just giving an update. 2.0 launched pretty damn smoothly and we've gotten a bunch of new and returning players on. I know some of you helped test the 2.0 beta so thanks again for your donations and support, it really helps.

Currently I'm working with other admins to polish the forums and make bug reporting/suggestions easier to locate but I'm also finishing up a plan for donor rewards. Some ideas include bypassing the point requirements for save slot names and save descriptions, having a "default" default name (so you won't have to type it) and some new game models for starters.

I'll need a little bit more time before I can roll these things out as I work through school and general bug fixing so your patience is appreciated. Other that that, I hope you guys are sticking to your new year's resolution if you made one and that you're having fun playing Mafia!

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