From Neaples
Fortunadrago.it Site on Border Science (The absolute vacuum does not exist!)Fortunadrago is born as an idea according to the attachment number 11 of the C.I.S.M. of Pier Luigi Ighina, Fortunadrago is being Falkor who helps the character Atréju in the film "The Infinite Story" of 1984.
In this case the "infinite story" is that of the human being, and of his lost history. As I gathered information, I realized that if I wanted to make it available to everyone, I needed a site for the multimedia collection of articles, documents and videos that otherwise would have been lost over time in the network.
As a site, it was initially created on April 12, 2010
Fortunadrago.it Sito sulla Scienza di Confine (Il vuoto assoluto non esiste!) Fortunadrago nasce come un’idea in base all'allegato numero 11 del C.I.S.M. di Pier luigi Ighina,.
Recent supporters

Michela bought a coffee.

loris sichetti bought a coffee.

Francesco lo verde bought a coffee.
credo fermamente nel genio di Ighina, spero di consocerti presto .

giovanni lapadula bought 5 coffees.