I'm Victor - a mechanical engineer and content creator. I worked 4+ years in Boston & Cupertino developing consumer electronics, and now I do content creation with the intent to inspire students & engineers.
Thanks so much for your continued support! Without you, my channel would not be possible! Cheers 🍺
Recent supporters

joshuas.blog bought a beer.
Hello Victor, I am a huge fan of your videos on topics related to mechanical engineering! Thanks to your videos, I have learned a lot about the field and industry. I am a student at the University of Central Florida pursuing a bachelor's degree in ME. I hope to graduate in 2026 and then attend Boston University for a master's degree (I want to follow in your footsteps lol). I hope to stay encouraged through the process because it is really tough with the coursework, internship process, and getting relevant engineering experience. Please never stop making videos.

Kevin bought a beer.
love your content, keep up the great work

GD, Washington DC bought a beer.
Victor, your presentations are excellent! As a mechanical engineer you are positioned at the end of the ideation/design/engineering continuum of production. In your recent video, "How mechanical Engineers design products", you stess the "need to stay on top of things" to ensure a smooth integration of the 3 phases. My daughter Sasha wants to be a graphic designer and, in doing so, position herself in the second stage of the continuum. She will be facing the kind of challenges that you describe in your video. Sasha is about to apply to Dartmouth, UConn, and other universities to prepare her career. To help her address the challenges that you describe, she wants her university education to help her (i) develop her artistic skills (Studio Art), (ii) specialize in graphic design, and (iii) acquire basic knowledge in engineering. I just discovered your channel and am sharing it with her. I know that she will learn a lot from your insights, which will help her prepare for college. THANKS for the videos!! (I have a PhD in Economics but if I had to do it all over again I would choose architecture or engineering.)

Miguel Paulino (miguelcp0523@gmail.com) bought a beer.