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Board Game Helpers is a set of web apps that are designed to help you more easily and fairly randomization the various items needed during setup. From turn order to player roles to map generation, they follow the rules of setup and provide additional details when needed. In general, they assume you already have basic knowledge of each game's setup procedure and are meant to augment it, not replace it.
I don't advertise on my site nor make any marketing money. I pay all hosting costs and development costs out-of-pocket because is a fun side project of mine. But, if you like the tools and helpers, perhaps buy me a coffee to show your appreciation. Or you can buy the BGG Microbadge. Or just send me a message, I'm cool with that, too.
Recent supporters

Bruno Lavoie bought a coffee.
Project Gaia :) Amazing helper !

JK bought a coffee.
Awesome helper! I'm waiting for Dangers and Muisca tiles for El Dorado.

Brad bought 5 coffees.
I just stumbled upon your website and it's just amazing!! Piecing together multiple rulebooks for expansions and the base game is one of my biggest complaints. I think the designers of these games should be paying you to provide this service. Thank you so much!!

Kristi bought a coffee.