Living with long covid

Living with long covid

May 16, 2021

I’m a Nurse

You may be asking why this is relevant?

It's because that's how I contracted COVID19.

Back in March 2020, we were sent a very stern email stating that, unless we worked in ICU, we should not be wearing masks for fear of scaring the patients.

Well I contracted COVID19, from a patient. They didn't have any relevant travel history, no dry cough, just a fever and everything that comes along with that.

I was informed that they had tested positive and told to self isolate before I even developed any symptoms.

I didn't have “the cough” either but did have a fever, malaise, aching joints etc etc. I “recovered” after 2 weeks and went back to work, only to discover I was being redeployed to ICU-i’m ICU trained, having previously worked there for 8 years so this was a no brainer.

Fast forward a year and my health has declined dramatically. Where as previously I had Hashimotos Thyroiditis and depression, I now have;

Chronic migraines


Pernicious Anaemia

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome


Some days are ok, I'm still working as a Nurse but I'm back in outpatients where what I do is mostly admin and maybe 10% clinical. Other days, like today, I struggle. My hands are cramping as I type this and i’m almost in tears at the thought of washing my hair tonight because I know it's going to hurt.

I know today is a bad day and tomorrow may be different but this is horrible, some days I wish covid had taken me too.

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