Hey 👋
If you are here you must have seen my blog and liked some of content I've been putting out. Any contribution to make sure I'm well caffeinated while writing posts is very much appreciated. Feel free to let me know which article(s) you liked and what you'd like to see more off, that helps me out tremendously as well !
Kind regards,
Sebastian, 4DCu.Be
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Jürgen bought 3 coffees.
Many thanks for the Kindle Dashboard posts! I love how you have covered all aspects -- jailbreaking, hooking into KUAL, generating the display via an SVG template, disabling deep sleep. While I am still waiting for the used Kindle I bought, I am confident that I can make a calendar dashboard based on your work.
Thank you, that will keep me sufficiently caffeinated for a while. That definitely was a more challenging project as the hardware jailbreak was tricky for me to figure out (I'm not a hardware person). Before you start check if you don't have a software based option to get into the kindle, that would make it bit easier.

surfjediwill@msn.com bought 5 coffees.
Hello There, Fantastic work!!! I love the code you made for the Midi pad and how it can play chords!!! Question: I am new to this. I read that the buttons and the leds have to be across from each other. so it only allows 9 buttons with the PI PICO. I am not using LED's, and I am trying to add a few more buttons that will output multiple notes(like the Octaves or chords), but I am just not getting it and the code stops working. And on the other version with the modifier buttons (Totally Awesome) I am wanting to make one with only one modifier button and an 8th note button. Not sure if you would mind just pointing me in the right direction of what to search and learn. Or how to mod this code. Really appreciate what you have done here and I am learning so much. Thank you for what you are doing. Coffees on the way!!!. Best Regards, Will