Episode 9 - Divine Timing

Oct 28, 2022
Thank you all for joining us for another episode of Two Queens & Crystal Things. Your love and support is greatly appreciated! If you like what we are doing and would like to support us, please consider using the Buy me coffee link so we can continue sharing this content with you all. Hey Queens & Kings! P.S. We started talking about the episode before last so keep listening...whoops! In this episode we are talking about Divine Timing. Divine Timing is the belief (or understanding) that everything occurs exactly when it is supposed to. By accepting this thought, we accept that everything that happens in our lives in perfect time. TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Time is a 3D concept and an illusion; helps create structure and order The Divine works outside of our time constructs Importance of alignment - right seeds/wrong environment Time makes us live in the past or future, we have to remember to live in the present; live in the now (surrendering to what is) Move in faith and know what is yours belongs to you regardless of when you will receive it ...and more We'd love to hear your thoughts about this episode. How do you keep yourself accountable? Drop us a line on Instagram and share. Please be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are using to listen to us. Don't forget to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page. Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!
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