Love the Challenges and Growth

Love the Challenges and Growth

Apr 27, 2021

Life can be funny, but how often do we overcomplicate life by our actions? We've gotten to the point where we live by the rules and structures of others instead of being true to ourselves and showing up as our true, solid self. Many times we try to fit in, which is only a factor that forces us to disconnect with who we are.

A few things that we really should start bringing into our lives:

  1. Love yourself to the point you can look yourself in the mirror and say out loud "I love you". That may seem hard to grasp because of what we have been told or the beliefs of others holding us back. If you don't love yourself, how can you truly love others?

  2. Be your true authentic self and don't be fearful of repelling the few, as you'll miss out on attracting the mean. The repelling factor comes from Vishen Lakhiani, but think about how many your missing out on attracting into your life because your focused on the smaller group. What would life look like for you if you became the person that attracted higher quality individuals into your life?

  3. Accept the challenges that are part of your journey and embrace them. Growth and progression start to take place when you embrace the challenges and celebrate the tough times. You're probably scratching your head and wondering why would you would celebrate the tough times. New levels and opportunities arise when when growth takes place.

Find the greatness in you, give yourself grace, and find your tribe that is there to help lift you you.

Let's go 🤙!

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