Steps to Sustainable Food Security

Steps to Sustainable Food Security

Jul 03, 2023

Leave a reaction | Kunene Ayanda | Last modified July 3,2023

While we watch our global and national economies struggle, we can take action by educating ourselves on what food security really means.

Wisdom will lead to change. By learning about our local agriculture and ways we can grow our own food, we can be confident knowing our food and nutrition is secure.

What is the Importance of Food Security?

As we see food prices rise and hear about the possibility of hyperinflation along with experiencing supply chain issues, we begin to understand that nothing is guaranteed in this world.

Being an influencer, I don't want to fear-monger, however, I also don't want to ignore general concerns. As parents, one of our main responsibilities is feeding our families.

There is peace in knowing that we can learn ways to ensure our household food security is on point.

What are the Four Pillars of Food Security?

  • Availability – Knowing that we have food systems available no matter what global food security looks like.

  • Access – We need to know that we always have access to nutritious food whether we live in rural areas or a suburb.

  • Utilization – Defined as the action of making practical and effective use of something.

  • Stabilization – Educating ourselves to know that we can physically make our food security a long-term solution.

What are Examples of Food Security?

There are a few things that everybody should be doing today. Everyone needs to come together to share their knowledge in whatever way possible because we're all better for it! People living in rural and urban areas alike can all take a few steps towards food security.

  • Localize Your Food Sources – Find your local food production sources and support them!

  • Live More Sustainably – Learn ways to grow your own food.

  • Be Less Dependent on Food Systems – If we grow our own food, we can eat it too!

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My Top Steps to Sustainable Food Security

  • Raise a Flock of Backyard Chicken. This is commonly known as the gateway for many beginning homesteaders! A few things to know about chicken You Don't Need a Rooster – Unless you want to hatch eggs, a noisy rooster is not ne needed. Supplement food source – Don't trade in your grocery budget for a feed store budget. Stretch the feed by learning how to ferment, sprout, or free-range-feeding Start with a small flock – Chicken math is a real thing! 5-10 birds are usually sufficient to feed a family.

[Related]: Learn everything about starting backyard chickens:

  • Learn to Compost. I used to buy my compost because I thought I needed a lot of space. I soon realized that wasn't really sustainable. If you are gardening on any scale you will learn that compost gets expensive. If you have chickens or other animals, you already have material for your compost pile. Add in leaves, mulch, and grass clippings from your yard along with kitchen scraps and you are well on your way to composting. You can also fill a five-gallon bucket with compost material, attach an aquarium bubble aerator and make compost tea. This multiplies the microbes and you can quickly grow your compost to feed your entire garden without buying anything!

  • Learn to Garden. People often don't get started in gardening because they have an ideal image in their heads of what gardening should look like. I'm here to encourage you to get started on a small scale. One small 4 x 8 ft. bed or a Greenstalk vertical garden can grow a lot of food. Gain wisdom and grow your space as you can!. I like to think I'm holding the garden gate open for those who have never entered before. Gardening should be an approachable and enjoyable experience, not one of fear of failure. When it comes to gardening, oftentimes failure can be our greatest teacher.

Growing from seed means that you always have the option of more food. Not to mention seed packets are much less expensive than buying already started plants. And even more affordable than buying the produce at the grocery store. Growing from seed is definitely a learning curve, so now is the time to educate yourself.

As long as you store seeds in a cool, dry place without sunlight, they will last for a very very long time.

[Related]: Learn about starting seeds Indoors plus tips for success:

When covid hit, and we started hearing of food supply issues, I had peace of mind knowing I had the seeds and knew what to do with them!

Thank you for tuning in. I bless you.

Until next time.

Pull Up A Seat And Visit Awhile

[Related] Looking to start a garden this season?. Check this source on how to care for seedlings plus tips for success:

What Do You Need?

Now That You Are Here!

#Your1oakPlug over here at 1oak Farmstead™ has a saying " Turn your everyday dust into golden haze."

Learn what you can, when you can! Life and knowledge will grow and thrive when/where you nurture it! Enjoy each season!!

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Courtesy of Snethemba Zwane©

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