About ModelsFacts
fashion models content
Hi guys. As i've mentioned, i'm going through difficult times in terms of money. ModelsFacts' content will remain free as it's always been but if you feel comfortable with making some kind of ’donation’, i'll be receiving them through this page, BuyMeACoffee. This is extremely embarrassing, however, i'm grateful to the person who gave me the idea and to all the ModelsFacts' followers, regardless of whether you ’buy me a coffee’ or not. Infinite thanks for the support! Love you all!
Recent supporters

fairy bought a coffee.
I'm so sorry about what happened to your channel. Wish I could help with more but I'm struggling a bit at the moment aswell. Love your content

Someone bought 10 coffees.
hi,this is from fashionmodelholic I know that freelancer is really tough, so I'm not going to tell you don't stop, just do your best xoxo
Hi guys! How have you been? Since the last time I wrote something long like this (on Twitter, right?), many things have improved, thank God. That time I took the time to write a lot and bother you with my unforeseen and unsolicited rant, where I told you how I had practically been scammed out of a supposed job that was already "mine" (thank God I had nothing to do with that people, never. Now that...
Help me pay my debt with coffees...
Aug 30, 2023
Hello to whoever is reading this, if anyone is even reading this. As you may have already noticed, I have not done both the June report and the July report. I'm not going to do them this year, for now. They are pieces of information that take a lot of time and energy and although, like everything, I did make them for myself at first, it also became important whether they were read and enjoyed or n...
ABOUT ’This Month in Vogue’ REPORTS...
Jul 21, 2023