I wanted to but... Let's face it: It can ...

I wanted to but... Let's face it: It can't be free

Apr 28, 2024

I'm really into photography and UX/UI. But let's talk about only photography for now...

I’ve had a camera in my hand since primary school. My father wasn't too happy when I wanted to take our family camera everywhere but when we went to rally racing events or family trip, I've always had the opportunity to live the moment.

But it wasn't a cheap gadget. For us.

Since then I’ve always looked at my camera as a real value. But I often used it for free because of my passion. And yeah, it was kind of fun every time but...

It wasn't when somebody hit it out from my hand at a party. Nobody was responsible for that. Nobody wanted to pay for a camera. I understand that. That's expensive for everyone. When I used it at work because I needed to work with it and something went wrong, it was the same situation.

It's really expensive. For me, it couldn't be more expensive. If something broke, I was out of my hobby for months, like now - if not for a year... So I changed my mind. It wasn’t just a hobby but I - usually - I didn't ask money for it.

I realized again the weight of my attitude. I can't afford "free photography", as nobody can. Those who enjoy my work can't either.

So I've decided to craft moments for others, I put the hard work in, I travel, I manage it, and I print it out, to make you - and myself - as happy as possible.

If your wall is empty, I can fill it with colors, places, and faces. With an order, you can help sustain my enthusiasm and support my passion so that I feel like I am truly creating value.

I will launch my website soon, and work more to make my dreams come true.

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