This is the new revived version of the Super Mario Galaxy skin is now available from the PSMC-21 repo. It's a companion skin that goes along with a NEW Super Mario Galaxy theme made for BigBox gaming frontend. Like I did with the Papaw's AZR skin and the PSGC BigBox theme.
This skin is installed from the PSMC-21 repository.
PSMC skins are some of the few skins that still include ANIMATIONS on the home screen (that can be toggled on & off of course) and also includes animated "seasons" Originally designed for kids, both young and old!
Addons used in the video:
Fuzzy Britches v5 - (PSMC repo)
HDHomeRun Client - (Kodi repo)
NOAA ( - (Kodi repo)
PSGC Launcher - (PSMC repo)
PSMC Maintenance - (PSMC repo)
PSMC's Super Mario Galaxy GUI Sounds - (PSMC repo)
PSMC's Super Mario Galaxy Skin - (PSMC repo)
Studio Icons - - (Kodi repo)
Weather Fanart - Multi - (Kodi repo)
Weather Icons - HD Animated - (Kodi repo)
Video to BigBox companion theme:
Download Section if your wish to download the PSGC Super Mario Galaxy (SE) theme.