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Installing MySQL on Ubuntu Linux 20.04

Installing MySQL on Ubuntu Linux 20.04

Oct 04, 2021

So you wanna install MySQL server on your Ubuntu Linux 20.04 box right? No problem, another super duper easy install:

  • apt install mysql-server

That will install the latest version in the Ubuntu repositories, that being 8.0.2. IIRC the version numbering has changed and went from 5.7 to the new 8.x.x version numbering system. This has prompted some in the industry to get paranoid with Oracle as MySQL versions are closing in on Oracle DB versions and there’s been rumors of Oracle taking away the open source license for MySQL, merging the Oracle DB and making it a single commercial closed source product. However, I believe they are just that, rumors. This has prompted some dump MySQL and has been a boon to MariaDB installations as people jump ship hoping to stay with free open source licensing but honestly this is all conjecture and probably a needless conspiracy at the moment, with some personal insight, so I can confidently say its nothing to worry about. MariaDB is a drop in replacement for MySQL and if you’re worried, you can look for one of the many excellent articles out there on installing MariaDB instead of MySQL.

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