Why limit ourselves to the area of Barcelona? Zero Waste Bcn (www.zerowastebcn.com) joins the designer Mª Eugenia Aldinucci in this new series of workshops on different topics around plants. Being confined has made us reconnect even more with plants, and we've learnt a lot about them (after some mistakes), and we have done many experiments that we are willing to share with you.
This project's heart is on sustainability, and connects with plants: natural cosmetics, recycling and paper, and waste-free cooking are some of the topics we'll cover in this new series that start in August.
To cover our costs, we ask for a donation on this page. Choose the event you want to support, make the donation and you'll get an email with the instructions to join the workshop.
Some of them will be in English and some other in Spanish, you will see it on the event description. If you wish that we talked about something else, you can contact us and we might include it! :)
If you want more info just email us at [email protected]. Hope to see you soon!