99 прихильники(ів)


Mar 17, 2020

I've always been looking for RoboAdvisor service as a mean for me to invest and grow my financial portfolio 📈. Mainly because I don't have the time nor the expertise to do active investment on my own ⌛️.

While searching for the right product to try out, I found that information are scattered all over the places 🤯.

It's hard to find information about the background of the company, how trustworthy are they, and most importantly product comparison.

I'm currently working on GetRoboAdvisor.com, a directory listing for Robo Advisor related products, services and news 👨‍💻.

Still at its early stage, I'm currently gathering information around popular services and selecting key information that's useful for everyone 🙌🏻.

If you like what it sounds and want to know what I have next for this project, don't forget to follow my updates ☕️

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2 коментарі(в)
Mar 30, 2021
Sadly, I had to shut down this project as it didn't get early traction and hardly add any value to users.
Jul 03, 2020
Recently I made update on the layout to add more “brand” feel to the page. Check out some of the samples below and let me know your thoughts. - https://www.getroboadvisor.com/get/wealthfront - https://www.getroboadvisor.com/get/betterment

Більше від Yuyu