Greece Visa Form Pakistan

Greece Visa Form Pakistan

Dec 12, 2023

Greece visa information for Pakistani citizens via

Are you a Pakistani national looking to explore career opportunities or engage in ventures in Greece? makes the process of getting Greece visa from Pakistan easy by catering to your travel and work needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can Pakistani citizens apply for Greece visa from Pakistan?

A: Pakistani nationals can apply for a Greece visa by following the specific requirements outlined by the Greek authorities. simplifies the process, guiding applicants through the necessary steps to obtain a visa for tourism, family visits, short business trips, conferences, exhibitions, or work-related purposes.

Greece is known for its stunning scenery and booming startup scene. However, for non-EU and EEA citizens, obtaining a job or work visa in Greece poses challenges.

Types of Work Visa in Greece

Greece offers two basic types of work visas: short-stay "C" visas and long-stay "D" visas. A short-stay visa permits a stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 consecutive days or within a 180-day period. This type is usually sought after for tourism, family trips, or short business ventures.

For those wishing to work or study, a long-stay or D visa is required, enabling entry into Greece and subsequent residence permit applications. These visas usually have a maximum validity of one year.

Greece Work Visa Requirements

Applicants must also submit the necessary documents with their application for a work visa in Greece. These include a completed D visa application form, passport valid for at least three months after visa expiry, copies of relevant identification, recent passport size photograph, travel medical insurance, medical fitness certificate, and one of Copy included. Applicant's criminal record.

After obtaining a work visa, individuals must obtain a work permit in Greece to legally engage in employment. Employers, locally licensed and incorporated, can facilitate this process by obtaining a work permit on behalf of the employee. Work permits now include residence permits, granting legal residence and work privileges in the country, usually valid for one year and linked to specific employers, occupations and locations.

Application process

Within 30 days of arrival in Greece, applicants must go in person to their local municipal office or police station for work permit applications. These steps include obtaining a tax number, filling out a residence permit form, providing necessary documents such as visa copies, passport photos, medical insurance certificates, health certificates, proof of local address, financial ability, and payment of fees. are

Upon completion, applicants receive a blue form as confirmation of ongoing application, allowing them to begin work while the process continues.

Other important considerations

Work permit renewal is mandatory, requiring a visit to the local municipal office or prefecture at least 60 days before expiration. Required documents include a valid passport, photocopies of passport pages, certified copy of original work permit, completed application form, and any additional documents depending on the specific permit type.

At, we aim to streamline the complexities of getting a visa to Greece from Pakistan, ensuring a smooth transition for those seeking work or business in Greece.

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